It's written by Carol Bradley Bursack, and here's her bio:
Columnist, author, speaker and blogger Carol Bradley Bursack, author of Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories (published by McCleery and Sons Publishing, 2005; ISBN 1-931916-41-1), has been interviewed on national radio shows, and by journalists interested in elder care.She has also written articles on elder care and speaks frequently at conferences and workshops. Minding Our Elders has been chosen as a text for college gerontology classes as a vehicle to humanize the caregiving experience to students.
Bursack is an elder care columnist with a weekly column in the Sunday edition of The Forum, flagship newspaper of Forum Communications Company. Her radio interviews include The Bev Smith Show, Radio Health Journal, The Tom Pope Show, Coping with Caregiving (clip here), The ElderLaw Forum, and The Lee Michaels Show and The Sherrie McCutcheon Show.
For over twenty years Bursack cared for a neighbor and six elderly family members. Through the years of caregiving and deaths, she came to know professionals in the field as well as many family caregivers Bursack became an avid student of the subject as she discovered she was just one of the 44 million people taking care of another adult (according to AARP). It was the caregivers themselves who inspired and encouraged Bursack to write Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories.
Bursack is a member of AARP, CAPS (Children of Aging Parents), the National Caregivers Advisory Panel, the National Family Caregivers Association and is on the advisory board of RSVP (The Retired Senior Volunteer Program). She is a charter member of WWNO (World Wild Networking On-line for Health and Elder Care Professionals). She has a degree in English Literature and has worked in libraries in the United States and Europe. She has written humor and interview columns and developed and written newsletters for businesses in the elder care field.
Bursack is a native North Dakotan and the mother of two grown children. After pursuing adventures elsewhere, she returned to Fargo, ND to enjoy family and friends in a quality atmosphere. She feels fortunate to have lived her caregiving years in an area that continually upgrades services to its elderly and those who care for them.
There are few good blogs in the space of "Independent Living," but they're coming. This is one of the best, today.