People magazine spotlights "Heroes Among Us," and in the 10/02/2006 issue, described next-door neighbors Jim Sherman (age 55) and Annie Smith (age 85). The two long-time friends live in Conroe, Texas, and are both blind.
Smith's daughter, a nurse, gave Sherman a baby monitor so he could keep an ear out for Smith, who has Alzheimer's disease in addition to being blind.
On March 27th, 2006, Sherman began to hear odd sounds over the baby monitor in the middle of the night, and heard Smith say "Jim, the house is on fire!"
Springing into action, Sherman entered Smith's house through the frontdoor and followed the sound of her voice, finding her near the bathroom. Taking her hands, he led her out of the house to safety. The fire gutted Smith's house, killing her cat and three kittens.