A recent study in England indicates that the preferred way to care for elderly family members is to do it inside the family. The fact is, new tools and technologies, many of which leverage the Internet, make this more easily possible. From the article:
The research also shows that, despite all the talk of the demise of the family and caring in our society, when it comes to caring for an elderly relative - our preferred option is to do it ourselves.
Also: Of those who believe their relative will go into a residential home, only 42% would be happy with that decision, with 51% either feeling guilty about the decision or not being happy, but being unsure of what else they could do. And of those who said they will try to manage the care themselves or with family, only 57% said they would feel happy about that decision.
Most interesting was the fact thatfamily members were mostly UNAWARE of their options, and especially how to effectively and efficiently proceed with being the caregiver themselves.