Monday, February 25, 2008

12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement

Good WSJ article on 12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement ("These pioneers are shaping the way Americans will live, work and play later in life").

For example:

Charles Feeney
A Life of Purpose

If you find yourself, in your 60s and 70s, immersed in a new career and a new passion -- teaching children to read, for instance, or helping an environmental organization -- you may have Charles Feeney to thank.

[Charles Feeney]

Mr. Feeney, 76, is the founding chairman of Atlantic Philanthropies, an international foundation that is committed to disbursing its entire $4 billion endowment by 2020. A large chunk will go to help older adults "live healthier, independent lives with dignity, purpose and meaning," says Brian Hofland, director of Atlantic's international aging program.

SimplyHome website

Friday, February 22, 2008

Compu-KISS by Sandy Berger

Here's a website we like, Compu-KISS, for helping seniors compute.

SimplyHome Website

Monday, February 11, 2008

WashPost Article: A Hidden Crime

This Post article from last month is a good read. An excerpt:

Science has extended our lives dramatically: In 1900, Americans' average life expectancy was 47. By 2000, it was 77, and it's still rising. But our energy and resources have been disproportionately focused on living longer rather than living better -- a phenomenon called " the longevity paradox."

SimplyHome website