In the home of the future, innovation will abound, say forecasters. Highly energy-efficient houses, voice-activated sound systems and windows that darken on their own will be commonplace. If you are on medication, your medicine cabinet will identify you through face recognition and remind you to take your pills.
Want to check in on mom, who lives by herself? You’ll be able to see that she’s up and about, and your personal communicator will tell you whether she’s taken her heart medicine.
Sound unrealistic? The future is here with CMI’s
SimplyHome system of care support. The traditional model for the care of aging or disabled family members is to move them into an institutional setting or in with a family member. If finances permit, there is the option of paying a caregiver for the necessary hours of in-home care.
SimplyHome offers another alternative. Following completion of a brief needs analysis, SimplyHome will customize a system that connects you with your loved one through state-of-the-art technology using your choice of sensors on doors, windows, medicine cabinets, even stoves and microwaves. No phone lines are needed, and everything can be installed with a screwdriver. Sensors send information and alerts to your choice of computer, cell phone and/or PDA.
If you want to learn more about how CMI’s SimplyHome system can work for you in today’s home, go
here. Subscribers to The Kiplinger Letter may read more about the home of the future in the Dec. 28, 2007, letter by going